Friday, January 6, 2012

The grass is always greener on THIS side.

We've all heard that the grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence. While that may be true generally, this is really not the case when it comes to the fence dividing holidays and working days. While one drudges through the daily routine (which, for me, involves waking up before the sun says hello, and sometimes coming back from college long after the sun says bye), the grass seems greener on the 'holidays' side. And when holidays come around, we realise that, lo and behold, the grass is indeed greener on this side!

One way (my favourite way) of illustrating this is the sleep. I hate waking up at 'odd times' (anything that isn't hh:00 or hh:30 which, by the way, i call a 'nice time'). On holidays, I just carry on sleeping if i don't see a 'nice time' and never get up till I see a 'nice time' when I look at the watch (or till my mom covers my sleeping furniture with copious amounts of liquid ice).

On working days? If I wake up 5 minutes late, I have to become Flash in order to avoid missing first hour of college. Here, the 'odd time' is king. It mocks me. Really. I can swear, as the watch showed 06:05 today (a horribly odd time, and I was also horribly late), it gave a mocking laugh. It knew it could get me jumping and going in a way a 'nice time' never could.

It's a situation summed up perfectly by these pictures. And here's a side rant - on working days (except Friday, which doesn't count as one after noon), i never have time to draw these comics, something I love to do!



Also, there's the relaxed nature. You can do whatever you want with your time during holidays, at your own pace. You can sit on facebook all day, write blogs, play games, text, watch TV... anything. At one point during vacation, you might get bored of this. But when you get bored of getting bored, you can always sleep. Or go out. So much to do. Anything but work!

And anything but work is pure heaven.

At some point during boredom, one's heart yearns for some different activity. Please, never mistake this as a yearning for work. You just want to do something different. Nobody wants to go back to drudgery and limiting routine. Nobody wants to leave the green grass for sand dunes even if it is a bit boring sometimes.

I have three words for those of you who want working days back during holidays - you poor fools