Friday, December 16, 2011

Wading through Indian traffic

Ah, the traffic in India. One striking feature of all Indian roads is the way vehicles move. We Indians have traditionally valued humans more than machines. Hence the absolute disrespect for traffic signals. Unless our lovable motu puliswala is there (Of course, some of the better prepared set aside a few hundred for him too, just in case), who cares if it is red or green?

People become F1 drivers on the road even if they are meek mice at home. If they see a chance, they will drive through red lights. It is not just happening but also expected. At some red lights, I often hear a faculty telling my college bus driver "Be smart. If you see a chance to go, just drive without bothering about the signal!"

Residents are proud of this. Surely all of us, at some point, have heard locals proudly proclaim, "You try driving in my city. I can guarantee that if you can drive on my city's roads, you can drive anywhere in the world!"

Of course, this situation is an absolute nightmare for pedestrians. Even with signals, if there is no traffic cop around, you can never be sure where a vehicle is coming from. People driving the wrong way may sneak up on you at any moment (If you get in their way, it's apparently your fault!). 

People who live in my area (or have been there) will agree that getting from CMBT to my house, though a 20 second walk, is filled with death traps. Massive Metal Monsters can come from any one of four directions and make chapati of you.

But some (like me) see the sporting side of it (quite literally). Here is a small graphic I made based on the experience of wading through traffic.



Thursday, December 8, 2011

Monday, December 5, 2011

Meme Comics, and the local Tambrahmrage are but a few popular websites bearing those graphic phenomena that are rapidly taking (maybe already taken?) over the internet - memes and rage comics. I am most intrigued by these comics. I'm a self-confessed 9gag addict, and spend hours on other sites like DamnLOL, tumblr, etc looking for the latest comics. I can't get enough of them.

They've even replaced Facebook as my number one destination, so you can imagine! Many an exam has been screwed by this addiction but hell yeah, it's been worth it!

Now I have another awesome timepass idea, based on these memes ... Making them! I present to you two of my creations (sorry for the average quality, I'm a poor MS Paint User. Please click on the pics to see them in all their glory on your screen)

This is semester-end, and we're all a bit pissed off at the moment. Here's one that captures perfectly what happens to most students during the semester. My first ever meme comic!

And this is the second one, based on a real life situation! (Not just mine, I suspect ~_^). Engineering is full of projects and deadlines, and this semester has seen us loaded with 6 of them. Our time management strategy for them all has been the same, and is given below

Feedback is welcome, hope you enjoyed them :)